The Winemaking Process (simplified)

• What is fermentation? Fermentation is the process of turning grape juice into wine. Basically, yeast + sugar (in the juice and any added sugar) = alcohol + carbon dioxide (CO2). We help this process move along by following the actions in the various steps in our instructions to create the best quality finished wine possible.

• Primary fermentation happens initially in the primary fermenter (clever name, huh?) and is where most of the action happens (bubbling, foaming, all that good stuff).

Secondary fermentation happens after you transfer the wine to the carboy. In this stage, the yeast left after racking (see glossary) to the carboy is gradually dying as it’s consumed most of the sugar so it’s a slower fermentation.

• The fermentation is followed by stabilizing, which is preventing spoilage and stopping fermentation using additives provide in the kit.

Degassing is next, which removes the remaining carbon dioxide suspended in the wine that wasn’t released during fermentation.

• Once the wine has been degassed, it needs to go through clearing which removes the suspended particles still present in the wine. This process takes some time, as the clearing additives need time to work and bind with the particles to produce sediment in the carboy of the carboy.

• Before bottling and once the wine is perfectly clear, the wine needs to have a polishing rack (transfer) off of the sediment into a clean and sanitized carboy.

• Once the wine has been filtered (if doing so) and has sat undisturbed for a couple of days, it’s time for bottling. Let it age according to our suggested guidelines (click here) or be your own judge and enjoy the fruit of your labour!

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The Winemaking Process (simplified)
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